Flower & Vibrational essences

Introducing Flower and Vibrational Essences


Flowers and plants including trees and herbs have been used for thousands of years to help heal on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. We are all aware of herbal medicine which uses parts of, or the whole of, plants and herbs in the form of tinctures, teas and tablets. The uses and knowledge of healing compounds present in plants are widely used by the pharmaceutical industry.

Flower essences are rather different to herbal treatments in that they are vibrational remedies. The nearest well known branch of healing which uses a vibrational rationale is homeopathy introduced by Hahnemann in 1796. Based on the principle of like cures like, homeopathic remedies are made by diluting the substance in water and succussion (repeated forceful shaking) until in the case of most dilutions none of the original molecules remain.

All flower essences are made using water to ‘capture’ the energy or vibration of the flower of the plant. The flowers can be placed into water using sunlight to potentize the energy or they can just be held near to water, or as in the case of some of Edward Bach’s remedies the flower can be boiled in water for a short time. He used this method in particular with trees and shrubs as well as using the ‘sunlight’ method. The flower can be considered in some ways to be the most energetic or potent part of the plant. rose It contains the plant’s sex organs use centre of rose for organs shot and is designed to attract insects for pollination which is the usual method of plant reproduction.

Many flowers are striking in their appearance and we bring them into our homes and gardens to enhance our mood and wellbeing. We have a natural attraction to them. Many essence producers use trees as well as flowers, for which we also have a powerful attraction, and which are of course essential to all life on the planet. maple


ibrational eessences can also be made using crystals – placing the crystal in water, using sunlight, moonlight or just putting it in the fridge overnight! Often called gem elixirs they are never the less vibrational essences. The frequency of vibration of the crystal is said to be imparted into the water. Some vibrational essence producers have made essences from the energy of special or sacred places, even from the energy of certain sea creatures.

All vibrational essences are essentially held in water which is stabilised with an alcohol, like brandy or vodka, to make a mother tincture. The mother tincture is then diluted again into an alcohol base to make the remedy which is still further diluted when taken, usually in water. All these dilutions make no difference to the potency or efficacy of the remedy as it is vibrational – which can be alternatively considered as a resonance or flow of energy.

Not all plants or crystals are suitable for using directly in water due to toxicity. An indirect method can be used whereby the plant or crystal is held in a glass container which is then placed in water so that there is no direct contact between the substance and the essence water.

What evidence is there for vibrational energy being held in water?


Water is fundamental to all forms of life on this planet and is present in all biological life forms, 70.9% of the earth’s surface is covered with water and it has been detected in apparent abundance in our own galaxy in interstellar gases and also on various planets and some of their moons in our own solar system. Its constituent elements hydrogen and oxygen are probably two of the commonest elements in the known universe and in all likelihood it is abundant throughout other galaxies apart from our own.Water on this planet is also unique in being the only substance that exists in all three states i.e. solid (ice), liquid and as a gas or vapour naturally. Water vapour is intrinsic along with so called greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide in keeping a relatively stable surface temperature on the planet so that life can exist as we know it. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water#In_the_universe;http://www.u24u.com/sky

In all biological life forms on this planet water acts uniquely as a solvent carrying vital nutrients and as a component vital to metabolism. It is essential to photosynthesis, the process by which plants produce oxygen and glucose using the sun’s energy from water and carbon dioxide, and respiration which is the complementary process by which animals produce water and carbon dioxide.


here have been various attempts at trying to prove that water holds memory. In both homeopathic preparation and in vibrational essence production water is thought to hold the ‘memory’ or vibration of the original substance and the body is able to recognise this and respond by reacting towards it but without possible toxic implications. Anyone who has been successfully treated or seen in particular an animal respond to treatment will not need to be convinced but it is still reasonable to investigate for evidence.

Probably one of the best known evidences and certainly easiest to understand are the findings of Masaro Emoto. Born in Japan in 1943 Emoto claims in a series of books published from 1999 onwards and called ‘Messages from Water’ that the crystalline structure of water can be altered by exposing water to image, speech or music which can then be observed by freezing droplets of the ‘exposed’ water and viewing the difference in the ice crystals formed. He has been criticised for having poor scientific controls however he does not claim to be a scientist and admits to having his photographers select the most aesthetically pleasing images of ice crystals as proof. His work does produce some very interesting results showing striking differences in ice crystal patterns according to what the water has been exposed to. A triple blind experiment involving 1900 of his followers reported in The Journal of Scientific Exploration in 2008 failed to produce any positive results to support his claims, however what did prove interesting was the inference that the ‘intent’ of the investigators, which seems to be pivotal, could not be isolated from that of the general participants and that this may have affected the results.

‘Intention’ – does it work?


ntention is literally the focusing of the mind on a desired outcome. This can be done in many ways – from simply making a wish to prayer, meditating or making a shamanic journey, or by just sheer will power or mind set or setting personal goals. There is overwhelming evidence to suggest that it works and it is used widely and actively throughout all cultures at all levels. Animals also certainly seem to use it too to their advantage – just watch a cat watching a bird or the dog begging for your biscuit!

The power or potential of ‘intention’ specific to water as a medium has become apparent under far more rigorous conditions. A very interesting experiment was conducted by French immunologist Jacques Benveniste circa 1988 which involved diluting human antibodies in water using succussion to the extent that they were no longer present and then introducing basophiles into the diluted solution. The basophiles (specialised white blood cells involved with tissue inflammation) acted as if the antibodies were still present in the diluted solution. ripple Benveniste had no explanation for this and despite the furore in the scientific community following the publication of the experiment in ‘Nature’ 1988 he went on to successfully reproduce the results and expanded on them to indicate that this process was possible by electronically transmitting over phone lines in 1999 and in 2000 by transmission over the internet.

What is particularly interesting is that the original results were successfully reproduced by Benveniste’s team but subsequent double blind experiments carried out by a ‘Nature’ team were not. As nobody physically carrying out the experiment knew what the samples were, perhaps the influence of ‘intent’ was not present. An independent test of remote transmission carried out by the US Dept of Defense did not get any conclusive results except when one of Benveniste’s researchers ran the tests. No differences in procedures were noted although not discounted. Benveniste had also noted this effect himself saying some individuals got results whilst others appeared to either get no results and even appeared to block them. However the experiments were successfully replicated in 1999 by an international team under Professor Madeleine Ennis, Queens University of Belfast. Could the intent of the individuals carrying out the test have affected the results?

Quantum Biochemistry and strange things!

A more recent and very interesting field is that of quantum biochemistry and/or TGDhttp://tgd.wippiespace.com/public_html/newarticlesbio2.html. In Dec 2010 Luc Montagnier, Nobel Prize winner for medicine 2008 and his team reported to have found that DNA memory appears to be held in water. DNA fragments in water were subjected to 7Hz electromagnetic radiation which is part of the earth’s electromagnetic frequency. The experiment was shielded directly from earth’s electromagnetism. One test tube was diluted to 10-12 using homeopathic dilutions at which point there was no detectable DNA remaining. The control test tube contained DNA fragments in water. After 16 hrs both test tubes were treated with DNA polymerase enzyme which builds DNA from its building blocks. Both the control test tube and the one without any apparent DNA both started to build DNA! So the conclusion is that the water held the ‘memory’ of the DNA. This follows on from the work of Peter Gariaev a Russian scientist which suggests that DNA in water leaves a phantom of itself when viewed using a spectrograph. The phantom appears to degrade and disappear after a month.http://www.emergentmind.org/gariaev06.htm Peter Gariaev also suggests that we only understand 2% of the DNA sequence held in a chromosome and the other 98% we do not understand. He proposes that this 98% holds a genetic language or code in a holographic form which can transform electromagnetic energy fields into matter. The chromosomes can also act as both receivers and as a source of these genetic texts. DNA can be considered a quantum biohologram and acts as a bio computer. He calls this ‘Wave Genetics’ and theorises a DNA-wave biocomputer. http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/ciencia_adn10.htm